
HUMAN RESOURCES THERAPY is a series of articles aim to share some of the best practices used within HR administration office, it aims to educate, enhance and share working knowledge and experience through 20 years of experience in different administration environment.

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We are what we perceive?
A five words statement, we heard it many times from different people, those who leads said it, those who follows recall it and those who failed repeat it. How easy we say and hear imperative statements in life but it doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone, some will take it and rise mountains, some will perceive it and fall at the deepest hole.

We are what we perceive! Who wants to fail, we all aim to win but eventually some will lose, not because we didn’t perceive but because we deceived ourselves and committed self-betrayal.

This article is an expression of the author philosophical view of self-architecture and restoration or it may be described as self-recreation recipe.

Let’s begin…

The core reasons of self-deception are based on three pillars (The Wait, Suspicion & Doubt, Hopes Vanity), do any of those three and you are set on the path of self-betrayal, which revolves around three elements (self-lie, self-loss, staying in quo). Let’s take those factor and examine what it means.


The killer of all times, we like to think that things will turn around in a way to our own advantage may be not now, but later and when the right chance and time intersects, it’s time to grasp and peak. We ignore the fact that, things will not change without our efforts and at that time of intersection we may not be ready to grasp if we ever know that such intersection actually happened “Inspiration doesn’t spark without learning”.

The winner of million dollars’ lucky draw yielded that through the concept of indolence yield by time, well he did buy tickets on every draw with every money he got “including the tolerance of poverty and reliance on the coincidental luck”.

The great followers “From Good to Great – Book”, in spite the fact of how impressive and positive explained, they are waiting for the achievement of others, leading themselves with the concept it works for them it will work for me.


The art of possible and impossible, what was unthinkable before today it becomes a simple fact accepted, the golden rule says “Do all possible and you will do the impossible”. As simple as it is, the possible is limited to our awareness and what we perceive as possible, expanding boarder and knowledge elevate perception and the way we choose what decisions to take out of all possibilities, still our choice is always one possibility at a time, we neglect examination of possibilities.

Our cerebral capacity till today is still unknown, the further we move in time, the more we discover how capable are we, how many stretch efforts to cross their limit and conquer our own limits either mental or physical, we should be aware of our best learning style and understand that our neuron plasticity changes over time, but how many of us test different methods in different stages of their age to see what fits most and discover that even on their very late stage in life are still able perceive, enhance, develop, learn and produce new knowledge for future generation, baby steps are done with (lifelong learning concept), self-suspicious is a mental destructive agent to young generation.

The faith either you believe in it or you don’t (read “The Price We Pay” https://modernhrmgt.com/publication.php?subname=4 ) you don’t have to wait to find out the truth, it’s a possibility and must not be neglected, you can choose your faith, don’t lose.

Looking to the world through a key hole, the frog at the bottom of a well who can only see waves of colors, what you see, feel and think you own, what others thinks you can do has nothing to do with your actual ability, never fall under what others expect you can do, focus on what you are can to do now, today, learn improve and eventually everyone else will be startled with what you have become.


Nina Kulagina one of those proclaimed a phenomenal person with telekinesis ability, watch those old KGP black and white video shoot released on YouTube, remotely moving objects and performing telepathy, till date the only unproven ability (no tricks were captured). We all hope this is true and we can all have such phenomenal ability if it is true, stay real and don’t over estimate your mental and physical capacity.

Young kids love stories and we have become so good at telling, a story I still remember of the man who found the well of eternity and never die! Oh who doesn’t want, telling your kids these kid of stories, imagine why! I will let you answer this question. You want to live after you die, leave a legacy something for people to read, listen, watch or learn. Don’t imagine success do it and follow evidences, there is no everlasting throne. Do not throw a coin to the well and hope your imagination comes true, every piece in this dream must be built a brick by brick, a building you design with all of its details, no one will tell the recipe because there is none.

One of these elements is enough for you to deceive yourself and lead you to accept and in some occasions encourage self-betrayal. Those are the basis we use to (Self Lie, loss and paralyze our minds in status quo) and this is how I see it.


The manifestation of lies hides within the layers of self-actualization; deception is made over time sparked with our desire to believe something we want the most, it drive our perception to ignore obvious facts by simply not following through an in-depth review of what you hear or see, eventually accept something you wouldn’t naturally suspect.

Standing on the edge of cliff, three people earlier tried to climb down all fell and died, you are the person, with a self-belief of superb mental, physical and superior knowledge “do not expect it won’t happen to you”; the possibility of replication exists and murphy’s law is great example of how it does happen and you are not an exception.

Back during early stages in school, there is always this big bully guy, showing off over others whom he thinks they are weak and cannot defend themselves, I guess all boys and girls face such a bully; in most cases such a bully is made by people, those the weakest build a myth for those; you already being intimidated by them even if you are bigger or stronger; the idea itself sparks fear and require a courage to confront. Growing up we get intimidated with different factors, fear of losing money, people in relationship, a job etc… you fear something you heard just like a bully you never confronted! The materialization of such fear to confronted is the only way to know YOU.

The book speed of trust by (Stephen Covey), magnificent illustration, we see it, we feel it, but it doesn’t last like everything else, on the contrary of the theory. Nevertheless, replaced with the mutual trust of benefits, as long as there is a benefit the bond remains stronger. However, with the spider web of network and connections it is almost impossible to predict at your own capacity, how far the mutual benefit bond will remain as strong even if you water your tree daily.


Combined factors may lead to sense of direction loss and no goal method, we say “just let it flow and float”; “let’s put it totally on faith” or “coincidental circumstances” and it may come to your favor.

A person with a dream or dreams, may reach to a state where he knows what he wants to achieve and keeps waiting for inspiration, looking for the tip of thread, without breaking down elements to the smallest step there is no clear start and efforts are wasted on stress looking for inspiration.

What is it we have with negativity and positivity, who stated that being negative leads to failure, negativity is not the issue, most important where is comes from, distinguish and obliterate external ones and deal with the rest without having a tenuous faith in yourself.


It’s Einstein who stated “Only the crazy who does the same thing, the same way, expecting different result”, was he talking about his own experiments that changed the entire quantum theory. Only the crazy who think the static methods, stationary relationships or bounded by location, time and money would make your world change.

Conclusion, seeing what no one else can see is a power that sets you in control and your first target is YOU, this philosophical view is a key to self-exploration and if there nothing you would take out of this article, only take these and apply to your (heart, mind and soul), what you (feel, think and belief):

- Don’t wait for things to happen, make it.
- Distinguish what you wonder away from what you doubt or suspect, leave no space for doubt.
- Hope but don’t dream! Build it a brick by brick there is no recipe, you got to make your own.

Apply those techniques to anything you face in your lifetime and it is a guaranteed success!