
HUMAN RESOURCES THERAPY is a series of articles aim to share some of the best practices used within HR administration office, it aims to educate, enhance and share working knowledge and experience through 20 years of experience in different administration environment.

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Each one of us who started his professional career and taking his very first steps in any organization, ambitions builds up and eyes on reaching highest rank or position, a scrutinized stare to high ranks and elders to absorb experience and gain new skills, this manager ten years, that manager fifteen years and the biggest seat occupied with twenty years of experience. Without a doubt or need for further in depth thinking, with such accumulation of expertise and domestic knowledge of this place, this what got them where they are now I have a long way and queue for my turn and I would follow the same path, there is no choice except to learn from them till I reach this end.

This mentality stood firm for many years, with technological advancement and the need for speed, agility and accuracy, the new generation are required to gain new skill set to obtain a job so this gap is fulfilled. However, this didn’t come without additional characteristics unique to this generation, they need rapid moves in positions and a highly way to the summit.

The older generation with mountain of expertise, realized that this crucial gap must be filled and such generation aspiration must be contained, tweaked to play its role and fulfills technology gaps! Without exaggeration in some instances you send an email and you call to confirm sent or request the person to read!! In some other scenarios, secretary will print and may be read it for the manager and obliterate any sense of privacy! What an adaptation to technology.

I consider myself one of those fundamentalist in principles of management and one these core pillar is Loyalty, if I ask different people in different stages in life, it is easily observed that loyalty definition varies in time and rank, in certain stage in life loyalty was to company others to their job and more to their boss.

Being a fundamentalist didn’t stop my adaption to technology and I consider it an imperative scent for today’s business acumen, still loyal pillar steadfast. One day after years of experience I have reached one of the highest rank in of the companies and at that time a new CEO took over and I was one of the lucky ones who were listening to his first speech, as much as I was excited to hear what he will say, I was in a shock when I heard his first few words, his statement was “ Forget the word loyalty, there is no place for this word anymore”, if there is anything I recall from this two hours meeting, only those words, after that I didn’t care much what he said, he closed the door.

Today after after few years, this statement echoed in my mind, may be due to pandemic or economic crisis, a mixture of reasons most probably, yet his statement was truthful, firm and right and at the heart of truth and reality. “I was wrong”.

To whom should you be loyal, look at every painful situation a company or establishment or business went through, the no brainer thoughts of owners, employer, finance….etc is reduce cost, increase revenue and first suggestion, reduce labor numbers, reduce pay rate and nowadays with the charming ambience of covid-19 work with half pay or take the highway.

Is loyalty a mutual thing, absolutely it is, between people, not companies or organizations, as those virtual entities has no conscience of loyalty, the only loyalty they perceive is to profit and profit is the only driver to all decisions. Many examples from companies domestic or international disregarding its size. Labor been abandoned at the first sign of financial challenge or decrease in revenue and in some occasions machinery replacement, most peculiar, those who are affect by these decisions find reasons for company’s decisions either by letting them go or reduce their pay, where is our minds, have we been totally in oblivion.

Those who took such decisions, did they ever thought how you will survive, pay your kid’s school, your house needs, your rent or how will you face aggressive banks. The answer in a low tone with half closed eyes is “yes we know”, “but it is not personal my friend it is a business requirement” and we accept, we accept to be the first victim and the last beneficiary, what’s worse is that we invent excuses, one after the other and convince ourselves this our faith, what kind of faith is this controlled by man.

The loyalty is a myth carried over generations, augmented by luck and economic stability, the truth is loyalty is in its way to extinction if really existed, in a monetary system built on scarcity and it is the worst since invention, may be alteration to such system is a dream, the whole new world order is built upon it, but where that leaves us, all we need is a decent live in an average income, the wiping socialism collapsed and capitalism fangs stitches, where is the escape!

Surrendering, is the exit that many took as a method and the mindset of “I find my way and doom can proceed after”, this is today’s logic, you stand alone. How could you adapt this logic and how this style of thinking viable! If I don’t show steadiness in the place where I work, my chances are limited to move on to a new destination. Did you know that in the past twenty years, particularly around a year or two before the start of the new millennium, companies were looking at stay length and three to five year was average, than later on two years were sufficient, today one year can be considered and technology has nothing to do with that, there are expectations that you must meet and a result oriented concept took place even in less than a year, may be that day will come when you gain new skills that makes you work at home with more income and not hooked with a job that provide with a limited income and more to take than gives.

The only loyalty you should have is to yourself, all world’s money cannot buy mind and soul peacefulness or happiness, think wisely and shake away fake oblivion and don’t let yourself a prey to modern slavery, without you all corporation and business falls apart.

The rules of the games have changed, recruitment companies are on of the best examples, remember how many times you have submitted your resume, a recruiter with a trained eye will scan your paper in four seconds, asses it for selling, accordingly you are morphed into experiences, skills and education! A classification is made in what level and without you knowing you became a currency for recruitment agencies to reap profit, what happen if your paper falls out within those fours seconds, trash pin, and in most occasions without a note telling you why and as such it is still on till now.

We have to ask ourselves is such assessment is fair, does this paper no matter how immaculate it is really representing the real me, of course not, BUT it is a great indication on your readiness to be under control! Yes, being under control is becoming part of the selection process now, believe it or not this is how you are being selected. Now, if the whole system transformed based on supply and demand and if you are morphed into experience, skills and education, you must also think in the same why, the more valuable you are, you should be also harder to get.

How to decide

*Beginners (line staff)
- Every successful two years in a position you either need a step up or change your location to next step.
* Intermediate (Supervisory & Mid Managers)
- At your first jump to supervisory you are seen as very good performer, who can excel in doing the task and expecting you to train others.
- Once you last in this position for a year, you become a solid supervisory and you should expect your company to invest in your training to polish your skills, if you don’t see this happening, you either not on the radar or time to change company again.
- Completing three years in a supervisory level with a proper training and guidance, you are ready for your first Mid Manager position and expect a further step in title, within a prospect of economy position availability, though not more than two years and expect to perform all manager’s duties.
*Advance (Manager / Director)
- Your first manager position would be your toughest, expectations rise high and a good percentage of companies will tend to promote from within if seen pioneering, others will go for a new eye, that would be subjective to industry requirements, owners’ or operator vision. No matter what this is your chance, no movement as long as you could, maximum three years.
- Once you reach a total of 5 years or more in a manager position, movement will be slower, tougher and require additional resources, now it’s time to start investing in your own learning, obtaining the next level educational certificate or a specialized affiliation in your field.
- Getting into the deep side of the pool required more than just a good swimmer, tolerance, persistence and a never gave up mind set, throughout your career, your network is your asset, cherish, update and expand. This will get you to your next point and time for you to think of the following ten years! Should you still continue having a job or build your own.
*Mastery (CEOs and Above)
- Achieved your target and settled, your reputation, leadership and result are your number one asset; you should by now have a clear mind on what kind of retirement you want to have and if you do not have your side income; you are lacking and you could be in danger.
- Make sure you make your last 5 years a turning point and get your future settled to what you want it look like.
How would you value yourself in a challenging market full of competition, your last 5 years’ experience and achievement are your keynote and for every 5 years you possess, you are one level above your peers within the same field. Make research on your worth and if you fit within such criteria “Don’t let circumstances drive you and don’t choose to be the first victim and last beneficiary and remember”.

Loyalty is a myth we created and believed….